Tuesday 23 October 2012
Call for application – She Entrepreneurs 2013 – Deadline 2nd
November 2012
Are you a woman with a vision? Do you want to contribute to sustainable change? Apply to She Entrepreneurs, a
Swedish Institute leadership program, and become part of a unique network of women social entrepreneurs.
She Entrepreneurs offers inspiration, tools and networks aimed at building collaborative strategies and expanding partnerships between Sweden and the countries involved in the program.
She Entrepreneurs focuses on young women social entrepreneurs in the Middle East, North Africa and Sweden. The program runs for one year, with participants meeting for ten days in Sweden and one week in the MENA region. During the first module in Sweden, participants are provided with tools needed to develop a social project for sustainable change in their country or region. In between the meetings, the participants work on their own projects locally, coached by group mentors over digital platforms.
The participants are offered the opportunity to meet Swedish organizations as well as leading social and business entrepreneurs. Through the program, participants become part of an active network that strengthens the role of women and supports personal and professional development.
Who can apply?
Women between the ages of 20 and 32 from Algeria, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Sweden, Syria, Tunisia, West Bank-Gaza and Yemen who have the ambition and interest to use social entrepreneurship to further develop and implement a social projec that has already been initiated. You should have good knowledge of both written and spoken English as well as basic knowledge of the Internet and social media like Facebook and Twitter.
You will find the application procedure in the left column. There is no fee for the program. Travel, hotel and food expenses are included in the program.
Application process opens: 1 October, 2012
Deadline for application: November 2, 2012
Skype interviews: December 4-14, 2012
Accepted applicants will be informed by: January 18, 2013
She Entrepreneurs 2013: April 6–17, 2013
Deadline for application: November 2, 2012
Skype interviews: December 4-14, 2012
Accepted applicants will be informed by: January 18, 2013
She Entrepreneurs 2013: April 6–17, 2013
For more information about She Entrepreneurs, go to www.si.se/sheentrepreneurs or contact Ulrika Rosvall Levin, program manager, at ulrika.rosvalllevin@si.se or Camilla Eriksson, communications officer, atcamilla.eriksson@si.se
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