The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), in collaboration with the African Rural and Agricultural Credit Association (AFRACA), is organising its 2014 International Conference on Revolutionising finance for agri-value chains, “Fin4Ag” from 14-18 July 2014 in Nairobi, Kenya.

The purpose of the conference is to help decision-makers to break through the walls that so often prevent innovation, in this case for smallholder-inclusive agricultural finance. The conference has an international focus. Delegates will represent different economic segments of society including the private and public sectors (including Central Banks) and civil society, resource users’ organisations, development practitioners and academics. It will include many experienced professionals from developed and developing countries,  having solid experience in smallholder-inclusive value chain finance

Social reporting for the Fin4Ag conference

To raise awareness on the event, engage on-site participants and reach out to a wider audience remotely, CTA wants to repeat last year’s experience (ICT4Ag13) and have a Social Reporting Team for the Fin4Ag conference.

The Fin4Ag social reporting team is composed of 2 sub-teams; on-site social reporters and online social reporters.

On-site social reporters

15 social reporters will be selected to participate in a two-days’ training on the use of digital media for social reporting. Part of the training will also be on Finance for Agriculture value chains, which will give the reporters an over-view on the theme of the conference. The training will also provide an opportunity for the reporters to get hands-on experience, ask questions and practice.

At the end of the conference, the social reporters will be awarded a certificate. Out of the 15 youths, 5 will be from Kenya, the host country.


On-site Reporters:

  • Be a National of an *ACP country;
  • Be aged between 18 and 30 years;
  • Be involved in agricultural economics/finance, agribusiness or related fields;
  • Possess proven basic skills in the use of social media;
  • Be competent in the use of English or French language;
  • Be a good communicator and commit to contribute actively to the Social Reporting Team before and during the Fin4Ag conference;
  • Be in position to take along a WIFI-enabled laptop to the training and the Fin4Ag conference;
  • Available to attend the social reporting training and the Fin4Ag Conference in Nairobi from 12 – 18 July 2014;
  • Be in possession of a passport with a validity date at least six months beyond the Fin4Ag conference (at least until 18 January 2015). Note: This criterion is not applicable to Nationals of Kenya.

a passport with a validity date at least six months beyond the Fin4Ag conference (at least until 18 January 2015). Note: This criterion is not applicable to Nationals of Kenya.

Online Reporters

  • There is no restriction on the age and country for remote social reporters
  • Being part of the team will provide various networking and capacity building opportunities.

DEADLINE: 9th April, 2014

To apply and for more information visit here


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