Youth around the world to take part in the 2014 UNESCO Worldwide Multimedia Competition. Think creatively, involve your peers and community and answer the question, “If you could do one thing in your lifetime to make the world a better place what would it be, why, and how?” You are encouraged to respond by making a 3-minute video, multimedia presentation, written essay, art work or using any method that channels your specific passion and talent to share your answer to the question.
Why should you participate?
Youth are in one of, if not the, greatest positions to effect change in the world. They have the greatest connection with their own generations. Mobilizing the youth now to purposefully use their talents to serve others will ensure even greater impact of their works throughout their life. Often they are not given the opportunity to extend their voice.
Who can participate?
We are inviting the youth of the world who are between the ages of 15 – 24 to participate in this contest.
Contest Deadlines:
The deadline for the presentations will December 23, 2013.
For more information, click here.


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