Are you passionate about development? Do you want to make a lasting and meaningful change? Let’s get together to discuss development beyond 2015!

The World Conference on Youth 2014, “Mainstreaming Youth in the Post 2015 Development Agenda” will take place from 6 to 10 May, 2014 in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

The Conference has a unique aim of producing a joint outcome document between governments and youth, called “Colombo Action Plan”.

The Conference is expected to bring together 1500 participants, half of them young people, and 150 of them will come from marginalised backgrounds, making the conference one of the most well represented youth events at the global level. The pre-conference process is led by an independent international youth task force which represents major global youth organisations and regional platforms ensuring regional and gender balance.
There are 5 different categories of youth delegates:

1. International Youth Delegates (350 people). Direct applications can be done on the website and are focused on a few categories:
2. Youth from international youth-led organisations (78 people) – to represent international networks/organisations and regional youth platforms active at the international level.
Youth from marginalised youth (150 people) – to make sure that young people’s voices who are often ignored are given space.
3. Youth leaders/experts (60 people) – to ensure that youth activists, trade unions, faith and political parties, academic and development negotiations are involved.
4. Sri Lankan Youth Delegates: As host country, Sri Lanka will select 100 young Sri Lankans to participate.
5. National Youth Delegates (2 per country/400 people). They are to be selected by governments in cooperation with National Youth Councils where they exisit or by a committees of young people when a National Youth Council doesn’t exist. If you are a National Youth Council or a young person active nationally you should first contact the Ministry responsible for Youth and/or the National Youth Council to apply nationally.
*Facilitators (42 people)– to support the running of the conference
Young bloggers/journalists (20 people) to make sure that the outreach of the conference is high and all young people with different languages can follow the conference.

Deadline: Application closes as soon as the space is filled.
To apply and for more information visit here


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  1. Ferdin Neïsser NGAMBA 10 years ago

    I will be very happy if I never selected among one of the delegates to this conference internatilale youth. Then I’m in a group of young people: Youth Action Movement (MAJ) of the Congolese Association for Family Well-Being (ACBEF). Thus, our camps this action eant Sexual Reproductive Health, Family Planning and the fight against STIs including HIV / AIDS. So I want to increase my competence in the various fields.

  2. Ferdin Neïsser NGAMBA 10 years ago

    In addition to this conference, I think it will given me many opportunities and relationships with other youth of the world finally fight against poverty and chaumage to preserve the future.

  3. Breaniah Anyango 10 years ago

    This is the best opportunity for youths to come together to share ideas and learn,the young people have great potentials if given a chance to explore them.

  4. Manasse Kagumba 10 years ago

    I am greatful for this wonderfull initiative.Giventhe opportunity,i will interact with other youths around the world and exchange ideas on how we can better our lives as a global family.

  5. NGOUAMBE Nestor 10 years ago

    I think that this is a great opportunity for youth to redefine a valuable strategy for advocacy. we are the leader of tomorrow and musqt be implicated to global policy maker. thank you for this opportunity given to young people to exchange their experiences and share their knowledge.

  6. Thomas kenneth 10 years ago

    I think that this is a great opportunity for youth to redefine a valuable strategy for advocacy. we are the leader in awaiting and must be implicated to global policy maker.


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