High-throughput and deep sequencing of genomes, metagenomic analysis, and whole-genome gene expression to discover new genes and biological functions, are key technological approaches that provide new insights into the onset and progression of a diversity of disease pathogenesis and multi-resistance to antibiotics.

On the other hand, global climate change is challenging the sustainability of traditional cropping systems and the control of animal and human health by affecting the appearance of diseases and their etiological agents and vectors.

Therefore, for the biennial 2017-2018, UNU-BIOLAC is seeking to empower young scientists to make use of Big Data as a knowledge-enabling strategy to traverse across the following priority areas:

  1. Emerging and neglected human, animal and plant diseases
  2. Environmental microbiology: Metagenomics as a bioprospection tool for bioremediation
  3. Renewable sources of energy (industrial biotechnology)




  • USD $3000  for expenses
  • USD $500 bench fee for host institution by month of work
  • Health insurance


  • USD $15000 according to the course’s budget



  • Candidates must have at least a bachelor’s degree or equivalent
  • Must belong to an institution as fixed personnel
  • The research and/or training internship period must cover from one to three months.


  • The applicant coordinator must be professor of an institution.
  • Proposals with practical activities and full scholarships awarded to students will have greater consideration.

DEADLINE: February 2, 2018

To apply and for more information visit here


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