The United States Embassy Abuja invites you to apply for its Youth Council. The Youth Council is a voluntary advisory body for the United States Embassy Abuja on policy and programs. Members of the Youth Council will include 10-12 youths between the ages of 18-30 with knowledge and interest in governance, politics, economy, social policies, and youth related issues as well as a demonstrated involvement in community service, volunteerism and youth development. Members will serve for a period of one (1) year. Youth Council members will play an advisory role for the Mission on program development and implementation. The youth council in collaboration with civil society, NGOs and other government sectors will advise on outreach activities like workshops, town hall meetings with institutions, schools and communities that address youth related concerns and the goals of the United States Mission.

Deadline for submission is 12:00pm, March 25, 2013.

Please note: only selected applicants will be contacted, thank you.

Access Online Application Form here


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  1. VINCENT UHEGBU 12 years ago

    Volunteering is in-born not learned.

  2. Soyi 12 years ago

    Save Our Youth Initiative (SOYI) is a non governmenal youth organisation committed to providing counseeling, educating and cratingawaerness for young peole on how best to live and coop with challenges of growing up. especially issues that concerns Sexual Reproductive health including SIT and HIV and AIDs.

  3. MARIERE SAMUEL 12 years ago

    nothing will give me greater joy than seeing Africa in the frontline of development

  4. Mfon Essien 12 years ago

    we the LAUNCH OUT FOUNDATION stand to be a voice in the community, by building on the strengths of young people through skills development and community service aims at assisting personal growth, volunteerism and accountability. We believe that these strengths lay the foundation for a positive future and help youth to become responsible. We strive to develop future leaders who are going to bring positive impact in our communities and the whole world, at large.
    Our Focus Areas
    Launch out Foundation to serve the rural community by promoting innovative solutions and advocate for collective responsibilities. They facilitate lasting solutions by:
    1. Providing quality and value education for children.
    2. Strengthening capacity for women self help groups (SHGs).
    3. Launching the Marketplace School Initiatives through MDG’s goals.
    4. Striving for healthy community.
    5. Influencing policy decisions making through networking.
    We will always be available to partner with you.

  5. Ezema malachy 12 years ago

    Youths having positive orientation should be a matter of great concern to our nation because they turn to be the father and mother of their children who they still have to give proper orientation. Its what they know that they can teach.

  6. Daniel Akpata 12 years ago

    We have a confused yet strong youths that have been raped in their minds and suffering from the the post traumatic experience of this gory occurrence. We need to correct this mindset and it starts with youths talking to youths. that’s where we should all come in!

  7. moses pam ejembi 12 years ago

    Have the selection being made?


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