The Youth Advisory Panel is a “mechanism for UNFPA Nigeria to dialogue with youth experts and young leaders so as to seek their advice on strategic actions and leverage their expertise and networks to support the youth related mandates of UNFPA in Nigeria

The UNFPA Nigeria-YAP aims to provide a platform for active engagement of Nigerian youth through new technologies towards improved access to sexual and reproductive health, promote reproductive rights and helping young people’s transition to adulthood as well as actively engage young people in decision-making processes that affect their lives.


Duration of Tenure, Benefits and Frequency of Meeting

  • Every member of the Youth Advisory Panel will be issued with an appointment letter from the UNFPA Nigeria confirming their membership of the panel
  • Each member will serve voluntarily for 2 years and will not be remunerated.
  • However, expenses related to official travels and other incidental costs will be covered by the UNFPA Nigeria office.
  • Each member can only serve for one tenure, however, membership of the panel will be structured in a way to ensure that at each point, the panel is composed of 50% new and 50% old members to retain institutional memory.
  • Members will have the opportunities to shape policies and projects around the work of UNFPA Nigeria
  • Members shall physically meet 2 to 4 times a year(as budget allows). In addition or as an alternative, members shall also explore the use of technology such as Skype, Blue Jeans, Whatsapp, Google groups etc as appropriate to hold regular meetings or for information sharing.
  • Members will receive an orientation when they are initially appointed to educate them about the work of UNFPA Nigeria, set objectives and clarify expectations. This orientation will be conducted either physically or virtually.

The UNFPA Nigeria-YAP is guided by these specific objectives:

  • The panel will act as an advisory body to UNFPA Nigeria by providing a youth lens to its programs and projects as well as initiating projects that #PutYoungPeopleFirst
  • Develop and implement a Youth engagement strategy that helps to foster a closer collaboration between UNFPA, youth leaders as well as youth organisations in Nigeria
  • Lead advocacy efforts around the mandate of UNFPA especially on promoting young people’s sexual and reproductive health and rights as well as access to family planning


 Members must be:

  • Young persons between ages 18 – 35 years as defined by the Nigeria National Youth Policy
  • A member of an organisation working in or around any of the themes of the UNFPA Nigeria
  • Young persons actively working or engaged around any of the UNFPA Nigeria focus areas.
  • Young persons with an active and engaged community. They can be leaders of a youth organisation/association or network, members of a youth association, or
  • Lead a local, National or Regional initiative.
  • Members should have an active network where they can seek information and/or disseminate information from the Youth Advisory Panel

DEADLINE: January 28 2018

 Do you fit the criteria above? Please visit here to fill and submit the application form





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