APPLY: TWAS Young Scientists International Awards for Scientist from Developing Countries 2017 – Opportunities

The TWAS Prizes are awarded to individual scientists from developing countries in recognition of an outstanding contribution to scientific knowledge in nine fields of sciences and/or to the application of science and technology to sustainable development.


  • Every year, TWAS awards nine prizes of USD15, 000 each in the following fields: agricultural sciences, biology, chemistry, earth, astronomy and space sciences, engineering sciences, mathematics, medical sciences, physics and social sciences.
  • Each prize is accompanied by a medal.
  • Prizes are usually presented on a special occasion, often coinciding with the General Meeting of TWAS.


  •  Candidates for a TWAS Prize must be scientists who have been working and living in a developing country for at least ten years immediately prior to their nomination. They must meet at least one of the following qualifications:
  • Scientific research achievement of outstanding significance for the development of scientific thought.
  • Outstanding contribution to the application of science and technology to sustainable development.
  • Members of TWAS and candidates for TWAS membership are not eligible for TWAS Prizes.
  • Self-nominations will not be considered.

DEADLINE: March 31 2017

To apply and for more information visit here




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