The Tana Forum 2017 theme, “Natural Resource Governance in Africa” is intended to stimulate a debate on the reasons why Africa’s security challenges are attracting substantial global attention whereas the continent’s own experience and articulation of its issues has yet to obtain commensurate global recognition, acceptance and significance. It is evident today – more than any time in the past – that Africa needs to rally a unified and amplified voice and agency if it is to assert its own interests in international security debates and agendas.  The 2017 Tana Forum Essay Competition forms part of this consultative debate that is envisioned to contribute to policy building and development.


  • The authors of the top three essays will be flown to the host city of the 2017 Tana High Level Forum, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia (April 22-23), during which the best writer will be invited to make an oral presentation of her/his essay to all the participants at the Forum including African Heads of States and other African dignitaries and officials from international organisations.


  • Participating Universities: All African Universities.
  • Applicants must be an African residing in an African country;
  • Applicants must be Master’s or PhD students from the Social Science/Humanities/Political Science/ International Relations field in one of the under-listed universities.

DEADLINE: January 31 2017

To apply and for more information visit here



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