Introducing the storried monthly visual storytelling competition for photographers (professionals, amateurs and photo enthusiasts).

It is commonly said that a photograph is worth a thousand words. If indeed one photograph is worth 1,000 words, then it would be appropriate to find that one photograph that would be worth so many words with our fans.

Can we get anyone to send photograph(s) – portraits, landscapes photos, street photos, observations photos (poor sign writing and other funny photos) or just about any photographs of interest that would attract the most comments from our teeming fans, friends and family members? We are looking for that one photograph that would elicit a thousand words.


  • The one photo with the most comments/likes and views, wins the sum of $100.00 (or its equivalent in local currency).


  • Photographers (Professionals, amateurs and photo enthusiasts) are invited to post their photographs, while giving the opportunity to our fans, friends and family members to like/comment/share such photographs.

DEADLINE: July 31 2016

To apply and for more information visit here


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