Start-Up Chile Seed is a program for those who want to accelerate and develop a world-class start-up in Chile, while helping to shape the local culture to embrace entrepreneurship.Talented entrepreneurs from all over the world are invited to apply to be part of the program.


  • Corfo will provide a grant, in other words, a non-refundable transfer of money for up to 90% of the total project cost with a ceiling of Ch$20,000,000 (twenty million chilean pesos)
  • Additionally, if the project is allocated in a Chilean city out of Santiago, the grant will increase in Ch$10,000,000 (ten million Chilean pesos)


  • Your company cannot be older than two years of age, organizers are looking for early stage start-ups
  • The team leader must be 100% dedicated to the project (you cannot be employed in any other company while you are participating in the program)

DEADLINE: September 7 2016

To apply and for more information visit here



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