Discovering the wealth of artistic talent that we have in South Africa is at the very heart of the Sasol New Signatures Art Competition. As the longest running art competition in the country, Sasol New Signatures has been a platform for discovering and promoting emerging local artists to the art-loving public. Contemporary, innovative and emerging artists are invited to enter the 2017 competition. This annual competition is open to all South African artists who are 18 years and older who have not yet held a solo exhibition (a solo exhibition entails a body of work of at least 20 works exhibited in a commercial gallery). Artists who have held a solo exhibition for academic purposes, i.e. a Masters Degree exhibition, are allowed to enter. Artists are able to submit artworks in all artistic mediums including photography, performance art, video and installations.


  • First prize: R100 000 and an opportunity of a solo exhibition at the Pretoria Art Museum (Terms and Conditions apply).
  • Runner-up: R25 000 Five Merit awards: R10 000 each


  • Emerging artists who are 18 years or older who have not yet held a *solo exhibition, except for academic purposes (*solo exhibition: a body of work of at least 20 works in a commercial gallery).
  • Only artists who are permanent residents in South Africa may participate in the competition.
  • All entries must be accompanied by the following documentation:
  • A completed and signed entry form
  • A copy of the artist’s Identity Document or Permit of Permanent Residence • Colour photograph of the work (for reference only)
  • Biography of no longer than 250 words
  • Conceptual statement/synopsis of no longer than 250 words that outlines the central idea of the work
  • Assembly, maintenance and disassembling instructions (if applicable)

DEADLINE: June 30 2017

To apply and for more information visit here


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