APPLY: R?ga Conference Future Leaders Forum in Latvia 2017 – Opportunities

The R?ga Conference has become a unique venue for constructive dialogue on international security issues between leading global decision makers. The event is organized jointly by the Latvian Transatlantic Organisation, the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Latvia, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia. The ability to facilitate such debates at various levels and with the participation of high-level politicians, diplomats, experts, as well as local and international media is a proof of our ability to think and work in a global context attracting key players and facing the issues that affect our societies the most.


  • The Forum will give a unique opportunity for 45 young, talented and motivated diplomats, journalists, politicians, state officials in-the-making for three days to be a part of numerous panel discussions, Night-Owl sessions, multiple workshops and The Riga Conference 2017.
  • Forum will cover trending global outlooks on the security of European Union, NATO‘s further possible cooperations in the North, Europes Southern neighborhood and topics including modern terrorism and how to fight it.
  • Applicants are encouraged to apply and gain international experience by working with high rang policy makers, world known specialists, different field researcher’s and professors and engaging in intellectual discussions.
  • Participants will not only gain knowledge and new contacts but also develop their analytical thinking and ability to provide constructive discussions and applicable solutions for global problems.
  • There is no fee for participation at the Forum, however, participants must arrange and cover travel costs by themselves.


  • Interest in foreign policy and security issues
  • Highly motivated and open-minded
  • Fully available for the entire program duration
  • Fluent in English
  • They welcome to apply participants with diverse professional and educational backgrounds who share a strong interest in international relations, security and defence issues.
  • Potential participants should be undergraduate or graduate level students, young professionals aged between 20 and 27

DEADLINE: August 6 2017

To apply and for more information visit here


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