IYF was founded in 2014 to oversee international youth participation, empowering youth and encouraging their engagement among the national youth associations. Member countries must each also be engaged through the six world regions into which the world is divided: Africa, Asia, Europe, North & Central America and the Caribbean, Oceania and South America.

The IYF comes from the need for a collective and better understanding of what youth participation involves, how it can be implemented for all youth ages. A call for inclusive youth participation within community activities, governments, policy/decision makers and CSO’s makes a case for stronger gender parity and especially on young women’s participation. Focusing on participation of other marginalized groups of youth such as youth with disabilities, indigenous youth, migrant youth, youth affect by conflict and post conflict situation, youth affected by HIV, etc. We recognized that young people are a major human resource for development and key agents for social change, economic growth and technological innovation


  • Young or young women between the age of 18 and 38.
  • Proof of community excellence through youth and community activities or the activities of professional excellence.
  • Be a citizen holds the nationality of the state he intends to run for representation.
  • To be the distinctive and honorable character candidate to represent the young people and homeland
  • Full mastery of English language
  • Provide two to recommend candidacy application

DEADLINE: October 24 2016

To apply and for more information visit here


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