Microsoft Cloud society is offering a 3-day all expenses paid trip to Mauritius. To win this all you need is a Microsoft cloud account. Sign into your account, choose a course that interests you or your work. Describe your experience and how it helped you. Lucky participants will get to attend Microsoft Cloud Camp 2018 without any charges to be paid. it is a skill-based contest and best one’s will be awarded.  The objective of this contest is to train the IT professionals, developer, and students.  For purposes of this contest, each submission you enter into the contest will be called an “entry.” All eligible entries received will be judged using the criteria described below to determine winners.


  • Improving your skills with cloud courses.
  • Getting to attend an all expenses paid camp in Mauritius.
  • learning and networking opportunity at Microsoft camp.


  • Participants must be 18 years or above.
  • This contest is open to any person who is a resident of selected regions.
  • Individuals who are related to an international, regional, national, state, provincial or local government entities and/or agencies are not eligible for participation.
  • registered member of Microsoft cloud society.
  • Participants should complete at least 1 course from all available tracks/learning paths
    on Cloud Society, except Security, Dynamics and Deployment. The courses are placed
    on Microsoft Cloud Society learning platform and hosted on OpenEdx.
  • Upon completion of the course, the participant must get the digital certification from
    Microsoft Cloud Society OpenEdx with a payment of USD 80, which includes a 20%
  • The participant should then create a public post on LinkedIn with a screen shot of
    their certificate and include a write-up in the post on how this course will benefit them
    in their role. The write-up should not exceed 100 words. Participants will not be
    judged on the language skills displayed on the post.

DEADLINE: April 15, 2018

To apply and for more information visit here


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