The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) hosts the prestigious  Green Talents – International Forum for High Potentials in Sustainable Development to promote the international exchange of innovative green ideas. The award, under the patronage of Minister Professor Johanna Wanka, honours young researchers each year. The winners come from numerous countries and scientific disciplines and are recognized for their outstanding achievements in making our societies more sustainable. Selected by a high-ranking jury of German experts the award-winners are granted unique access to the country’s research elite.


The 2017 Green Talents award Include:

  • An invitation to the fully funded two-week Science Forum 2017, consisting of
  • Visit to leading German science and research facilities with unique insights from experts at these institutions
  • Individual appointments with german experts of the winner’s choice to discuss opportunities for research and cooperation.
  • Networking opportunities at the festive award ceremony.
  • Exclusive access to the Green Talents alumi network


  • The award is open to all disciplines as long as it is related to sustainable development. In 2017 the award has a focus on “Sustainable Production and Consumption” and this year’s science forum, taking place in October, will integrate sustainable hot spots in Germany related to this theme
  • Nevertheless, Green Talents highly welcome applications from all(not connected) research areas
  • Before you start please make sure, that you do not hold a German passport or live in Germany

DEADLINE: May 23 2017

To apply and for more information visit here


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