The International Conference on “Youth, Peace and Violent Extremism” is a follow up to the Asia Pacific Regional Workshop on Racism “Youth Tolerance in the New Millennium” organized in July 2001. The International Conference is a joint effort with the Ministry of Youth and Sports Malaysia and various other agencies. This year’s programme will provide an opportunity for young people from around the globe to come together to discuss, understand, share, find solutions and develop strategies on issues pertaining to violent extremism, peace, inclusive societies and how they are building resilience in their communities to prevent violent extremism.

This International Conference on “Youth, Peace and Violent Extremism” is a gathering between 100 to 150 young people from around the globe to come together to share their experiences on how they are building resilience in their communities to prevent violent extremism.


The International Conference will create a safe and supportive environment for youth to participate in the fight against violent extremism. It is an initiative to engage young people to participate in the dialogue of preventing violent extremism and to enable them to realize the importance of combating violent extremism and building sustainable peace.

  • to provide young people with the opportunity to share experiences and viewpoints on good practices in addressing the drivers of violent extremism;
  • to identify the “push and pull factors” on the drivers of violent extremism
  • to examine and discuss the role of youths in preventing the conditions that are conducive to violent extremism and promoting sustaining peaceful societies;
  • to engage youth worldwide in addressing the challenges related to P/CVE, to include them in the decision making process on P/CVE issues as highlighted in UNSCR 2250
  • to discuss ways to strengthen the links between P/CVE and the related SDGs – as fully implementing the SDGs, with a focus on SDG 16 will help prevent violent extremism by addressing the socio, economic, political factors that enable radicalization; and
  • to empower youths through capacity building and offering opportunities for networking and cooperation.


  • Young people between the age of 18-32 (limited spaces are available for those above the age of 32 years as Observers);
  • Officials of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Ministry of Foreign or Domestic Affairs, or related agencies;
  • Representatives from Non-Government Organizations, Civil Society Organizations, multilateral organizations, institutions of higher learning, corporate bodies or related stakeholders;
  • Proficient in English and able to do presentations in English, is a Must;
  • Possess good communication and interpersonal skills;
  • Demonstrate strong leadership abilities, perseverance, have strong integrity committed, passionate in fostering change
  • Capable and willing to share experiences and resources with others in the community and contribute to the follow-up process
  • Willing and being able to participate actively for the whole duration of the event;
  • Geographical and gender balance will be respected.

To apply and for more information visit here


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