CEEweb for Biodiversity is a network of 51 non-governmental environmental organisations from the Central and Eastern European region established in 1994. Our mission is the conservation of biodiversity through the promotion of sustainable development.

Jury members for the 6th international Green-Go Short Film Contest are Akos Malatinszky from Godollo Unversity (Hungary), Nat Page from ADEP Foundation (Romania) and actress and founder/member  of the ACT – Independent Theater Association in Bulgaria.


  • Category winners: gift voucher worth 500 EUR each in an acclaimed online store.
  • One public award for the film collecting the most votes on the Green-Go website: gift voucher worth 200 EUR in an acclaimed online store.


  • The films should not be longer than 4 minutes. The shorter the better. Aim for 60-90 seconds.
  • Films can be of any genre (cartoon, animation, puppet film, documentary, interviews, etc.)
  • Send us the original film file (in any film format) via the below detailed file transfer websites in high resolution (at least 720 px wide)
  • Besides the film file send us the following filesvia Wetransfer (up to 2GB file size) or via My Air Bridge (up to 20 GB file size):
    • time-coded subtitle file in English (.srt format). A separate time-coded subtitle file must be attached also to films without dialogues but with floating titles/texts. Only English subtitles are accepted!
    • 3 screenshots from the short film (.jpg format)
  • One applicant can only submit a maximum of three films (separate online application should be filled out for each)

DEADLINE: October 1 2017

To apply and for more information visit here


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