Application Deadline: February 26, 2013

The Open Society Foundations invite photographers to submit a body of work for consideration in the Moving Walls 21 group exhibition, scheduled to open in New York in the fall 2013. The Moving Walls exhibition seriesshowcases documentary photography that highlights human rights and social issues that coincide with the Open Society Foundations’ mission.

Eligibility Criteria

Each Moving Walls exhibit highlights issues or geographic regions where the Open Society Foundations are active. Priority is given to work whose subject has not been recently addressed in Moving Walls, and special consideration is given to long-term work produced over years of commitment to an issue or community. Work in progress may be submitted as long as a substantial portion of the work has been completed.

Any emerging or veteran photographer who is working long-term to document a human rights or social justice issue may apply for Moving Walls.

Photographers working in their home countries, women, emerging artists, and people of color are strongly encouraged to apply.

The Open Society Foundations does not discriminate based on any status that may be protected by applicable law.

To apply, click here.

For more information, visit this link.


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