Entries are invited from students worldwide for the 2015 Dyalog APL problem Solving Competition. Getting started with any new programming language can seem like daunting task, and at Dyalog they have done what we can try to make this process easier for you. Discover the world of APL and use the APL programming language and your problem solving skills to compete for cash prizes and a paid trip to annual Dyalog user meeting in Sicily, Italy, from 6th to 10th September, 2015.


Grand prize

  • $2,500 cash prize
  • An invitation to attend the 2015 Dyalog user meeting (to be held in Sicily, Italy from September 6-10, 2015).
  • Travel costs up to $3,500 plus $500 for incidental expenses and all user meeting fees will be provided by Dyalog.

Second prize

  • $1,250 cash prize

Third prize

  • $750 cash prize

Phase I prizes

  • The top 20 Phase I participants will each receive a $100 cash prize.

Phase II participation prizes

  • 20 participants who submit entries for Phase II of the competition will be selected to receive a $100 cash prize.

Non-student prize

  • One non-student participant will win a complimentary registration to Dyalog’15.


  • Open to applicants everywhere
  • Only verified full-time students are eligible to win any of the 43 cash prizes and trip to the Dyalog user conference.

DEADLINE: 6th July, 2015

To apply and for more information visit here


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