Connected Development [CODE] would be hosting it’s partners on Sustainaware 2014 – a project that connects eight partners countries (USA, Argentina, Slovenia, Hungary, Croatia, Liechtenstein, Nigeria & India) to promote the inclusion of young people in the decision-making process of sustainable development. More specifically, this initiative aims to improve youth knowledge, interest and leadership on Environmental Health, Green Economy and Social-Environmental Entrepreneurship.

As the Local Day of Action moves to Lagos, Nigeria CODE is inviting Youth with Fewer opportunities, individuals, Green Entrepreneurs, Youth NGOs, Experts, and Government Agencies working in the area of Environmental Health, Green Economy and Social-Environmental Entrepreneurship to share knowledge and experience with CODE during the Local days of action in Lagos in the form of ignite and lightening talks between June 8 and June 10, 2014

DEADLINE: 4th June, 2014.

To apply and for more information visit


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