The Alliance for Science is accepting applications for our inaugural round of agricultural science journalism fellowships. The fellowship seeks to promote in-depth, contextualized reporting on topics/issues related to food security, crop production, biotechnology, and sustainable agricultural practices.

     We are offerijounalismng two fellowship tracks:
    Individual Track:  One to three award (s) of $5,000 – $15,000 to individual journalists

    Collaborative Track:  Award of $25,000 to a collaborative team of two individuals, one from a developing                   country and one from a developed country.

Applications must include the following:

  • Indication of Fellowship Track (Individual or Collaborative)
  • A description of the proposed project, including indication of media outlet and the distribution plan.  Limit 1000 words
  • A detailed budget estimate, including a breakdown of travel costs. If you are applying for a Collaborative Fellowship you must      indicate how the money will be shared across team members’ contributions
  • Three samples of published work preferably representative of the media you propose for the project.  In the case of Collaborative

Fellowships all members of the proposed team must submit three samples.
• One to two letters of recommendation. Letters from prospective producers or editors encouraged.
• A copy of the resume of each applicant.
• Project start and completion date.

Where to Apply: Please email all documents in a single PDF to

Deadline: Beginning July 1, 2015 and ongoing

For more information visit here


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