2021 Awards

African Women in Media (AWiM), in partnership with the African Union (AU), International Labour Migration (ILO) and International Organization for Migration (IOM) launch the Labour Migration Media Awards. With labour migration becoming an increasingly important policy issue, the awards aim to celebrate and honour African journalists committed to labour migration issues in their reportage. It is envisaged that the project will culminate in the establishment of a community of practice of journalists reporting on labour and migration in Africa.

Award Categories

The awards are open to all African journalists, and entries must be published or broadcast with an Africa based media organisation. As such, in recognition of the important contributions of journalists to Labour Migration Reporting, we are pleased to announce the awards around the following issues in Labour Migration:

  • Migrants’ Rights,
  • Remittance and Diaspora Contributions to Development,
  • Governance of Labour Migration,
  • Gender-based Migration,
  • Economic Impact of Migration,
  • Migration and Health,
  • Intra-African Migration,
  • Fair recruitment, forced labour and human trafficking of migrant workers
  • Labour Migration News Team of the Year.


Winners will be announced on 7 December 2020, and receive a cash prize of $500 each, and access to the five courses under the Labour Migration Reporting Training Programme on AWiMLearning.


  • Professional journalists are invited to submit works published/broadcasted between 01 January 2019 – 20 November 2020
  • Participants must have the nationality of a member state of the African Union, and be at least eighteen years of age. They can live anywhere in the world
  • Only works published/broadcast with a media organisation in a Member State of the African Union are permitted.
  • Applicants can submit up to two entries across all categories
  • Joint submissions are permitted provided the submissions are authored by the entrants
  • Participants must be the author(s) of the works submitted in her/his/their name, and own copyright or have been authorized by the copyright holder(s) to submit the entry(s)
  • Submitted works can be in any journalistic format (text, photojournalism, audio, audio-visual, data etc.)
  • Photographic entries must be free of any name or text on the image itself, instead a clear caption, in English, must be provided on submission.

DEADLINE: November 20, 2020

To apply and more information visit here


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