2021 Awards

African ChangeMakers Initiative Awards (#ACiAwards2021) identifies and celebrates excellence, leadership, entrepreneurial ingenuity of social entrepreneurs, businesses, technologist, and social innovators in individuals, programs, teams, groups, or organizations across Africa and the world.

African ChangeMakers Initiative identifies people or organizations turning problems into solutions on a large scale, defender of humanity, peace & freedom, and planet protection.

ACI Awards honors dedicated life works, careers, impacting businesses, philanthropic, educationist, social or civic servant, and other deserving causes in Africa.

#ACiAwards2021 will be recognizing incredible leadership and dedication of changemakers who are building a better solution and community for the people of Africa and the continent.


  • Award Recipients outside Nigeria will be given E-plaques, e-Badge and e-certificates which can be printed out and framed for display.
  • Award Recipients in Nigeria will be given a plaque and e-Badge.
  • ACi will also recognize some high-level organizations/individuals in some categories for the well-known impact they are making.


  • Nominee must have a company/project/initiative you had been working on/working with impact that can be verified.
  • Nominee company/project/initiative must be beneficary to Africa people or the African continent.
  • Nominee will make a 60 seconds (one minute) video of themselves telling us the following in the video – Nominee Full Name, Country name, name of your company/project/initiative, impact it had in the community or across Africa, why nominee deserve the award and why you are Africa Changemaker.

DEADLINE: April 30 2021

To apply and for more information visit here


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