VITEL and Ashoka are launching the ‘Act for Biodiversity’ challenge- a global search for changemakers who can bring key players together to preserve and restore biodiversity.


Semifinalists (up to 50) will :

  • Have an opportunity to refine their entry and incorporate feedback received in the screening phase
  • Receive additional feedback from experts from Ashoka & VITTEL® & Nestlé S.A.
  • Be referenced on VITTEL®’s website at the semifinalist announcement
  • Be invited to participate at online calls for semifinalists to connect with each other

Finalists (up to 15) will :

  • Participate at in-person event (travel costs covered) with networking opportunities with VITTEL®, Nestlé S.A. & Ashoka
  • Have access to additional online network opportunities with Ashoka & VITTEL®& Nestlé S.A.
  • Be featured in Ashoka social media channels
  • Be referenced on VITTEL®’s website at the finalists announcement
  • Present their initiatives at a live-pitch to the judges panel (at the in-person event)
  • Be reviewed also by a pool of VITTEL® employees and stakeholders, who will vote to choose their favorites. (Voting results will be considered by the judges at the final deliberation).

Winners (up to 4)

  • All winners will receive a cash prize (a total of 60 000 CHF will be distributed among the winners);
  • All winners will be featured on VITTEL® PR coverage about Challenge results;
  • 2 winners will be invited to participate in an Accelerator for Collective Impact with VITTEL®, Nestlé S.A. & Ashoka.


Entrants must:

  • Be 18 years old or older by the time they apply.
  • Apply with a project that is already implemented beyond the idea stage (must have implemented at least a pilot) and thus be able to present at least initial evidence of impact.
  • Have incorporated as a nonprofit, for-profit, or hybrid oraganization, or have a fiscal sponsor.
  • Be fluent in English and/or French (winners will be expected to engage in activities that require English or French proficiency)

DEADLINE: March 3, 2020.
To apply and for more information visit here.


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