The Ernst Mach Grants are named after the famous Austrian physicist and philosopher Ernst Mach (1838-1916). The grant program is financed by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy (BMWFW).  Students and young researchers from foreign universities are invited to apply for this grant to come to Austria for a research or a study stay. Every year a board of representatives of the Austrian Ministry awards the Ernst Mach Grants based on the results of an expert examination procedure. Age limit for this grant program is 35 years at the time of the application


  • Monthly grant rate 940 EUR
  • Accident and health insurance, accommodation
  • If necessary, the OeAD-GmbH will take out an accident and health insurance on behalf of the grant recipient
  • The OeAD-GmbH will endeavor to provide accommodation (student hall of residence or flat)
  • Monthly costs: 220 EUR to 470 EUR


  • Are studying a master programme at a university in one of the  defined countries of origin
  • Are you studying a bachelor programme at a university in one of the defined countries of origin and have successfully completed 4 semesters of studies by the time of taking up the grant
  • 35 years born or after October 1st 1980

The “Ernst Mach grant worldwide” is open to

  • postgraduates pursuing a doctoral/PhD program outside Austria,
  • postgraduates and post-docs wishing to do research in Austria with a view to an academic career and who have completed their studies (at an university outside Austria),
  • Or post-docs who are working as lecturers at a foreign university outside Austria. Duration of stay is limited to a maximum of 9 months (extension are not possible within this program)

Deadline: March 1, 2016

To apply and for more information visit here


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