The African Peacebuilding Network (APN) of the Social Science Research Council (SSRC) invites research grant applications from African researchers, policy analysts, and practitioners working on conflict and peacebuilding issues at universities and research institutions or regional governmental and nongovernmental organizations in Africa.

Support is available for research and analysis on issues such as the following:

  • Root causes of conflict, conflict prevention and transformation
  • State and non-state armed actors, extremism and emerging trajectories of conflict
  • Post-conflict elections, democratization, and governance
  • The relationship between peacebuilding and state building, including state-society relations and state reconstruction
  • Transitional justice, reconciliation and peace
  • Economic and financial dimensions of conflict, peacekeeping and peace support operations
  • UN-AU-REC Peace Support Operations
  • Digital media, technology and peace
  • Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and peacebuilding
  • Gender and peacebuilding
  • Transnational crime and violent conflict
  • Cultural dimensions of peace


  • All applicants must be African citizens currently residing in an African country and either an academic or a policy analyst or practitioner.
  • Academic applicants must hold a faculty or research position at an African university or research organization and have a PhD obtained after January 2000.
  • Policy analysts and practitioner applicants must be based in Africa at a regional or subregional institution, a government agency, or a nongovernmental, media, or civil society organization and have at least a Master’s degree obtained before January 2011, with at least five years of proven research and work experience in peacebuilding-related activities on the continent.


  • Up to fifteen (15) individual grants of a maximum of $15,000 will be awarded.
  • During their grant period, grantees are required to participate in two workshops organized by the APN.

Deadline: January 15, 2016

For More Information and To Apply Click Here


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