Wiki loves Africa is a competition to share on Wikipedia the daily practices of people across the continent with each other and the rest of the world. The theme for the 2015 photo contest will be wiki loves Africa cultural fashion and adornment. The competition scope will be submission of the media that cover cultural dress and fashion; specifically fashion that is defined by local cultural influence and determines cloth, styles, and ways of wrapping and hanging. Etc.


  • 1st prize: a Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4 + an African published book + Mystery gift from the Wikimedia store + print for the participant winning picture.
  • 2nd prize: US$300 Amazon gift + an African –published + Mystery gift from the Wikimedia store + print of the 2nd prize picture
  • 3rd prize: US$200 Amazon gift + an African published book + mystery gift from the Wikimedia store + print of the 3rd prize
  • Community prize: US$200 Amazon gift voucher + an African published book + Mystery gifts from the Wikimedia store + print of the community


  • All photos must be taken by the person submitting them. They can be either self-uploaded or uploaded during a registered mass upload session.
  • Upload is done in October and November 2014 only. But you can enter media that was taken at any time, even historical photographs (as long as you own the copyright on these photographs)
  • Any entries with watermarks or signatures embedded on the image or file will not be accepted. All entries will have the following licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 (CC-BY-SA 3.0)
  • All eligible pictures will be categorised under Images from Wiki Loves Africa 2015, this will be automatically assigned during the upload process.
  • Participants should enable e-mail on Wikimedia Commons to be eligible for prizes.

Deadline: November 30, 2015

To apply and for more information visit here


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