The CrossCulture Programme (CCP) offers young professionals and committed volunteers the opportunity to expand their area of professional expertise and to gather intercultural experience through a professional fellowship in Germany. Since 2005 CCP encouraged more than 500 professionals and volunteers working in different civil society sectors. The CrossCulture Programme is funded by the German Federal Foreign Office and implemented by ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen).

With the CrossCulture Programme, ifa reinforces its commitment to the promotion of intercultural dialogue and exchange. Young professionals and committed volunteers from Germany and selected majority Muslim countries as well as Eastern Partnership countries and Russia are afforded the opportunity to gather professional expertise and intercultural experience through a professional fellowship in Germany. In the course of the programme, fellowship holders from abroad complete an eight to twelve week fellowship at an organisation in Germany.

The participation in the CrossCulture Programme provides fellowship holders with the opportunity to establish personal and professional contacts and to familiarise themselves with the cultural specificities and work environment in Germany. Moreover, the CrossCulture Programme offers a platform for intercultural dialogue and exchange among fellows from different countries and regions. Fellowship holders are also invited to share their experiences with their professional networks and/or community in their home country in order to promote the building and maintenance of intercultural relations and cross-national networks.

Professional fellowships are awarded for a period of eight to twelve weeks in the following terms:

  • Spring term; April to June 2019
  • Summer term; July to September 2019
  • Autumn term; October to December 2019


  • Aged between 23 and 45 years at the time of application.
  • Good command of English (written and spoken).
  • A minimum of two years work experience or voluntary engagement in a civil society organisation in the country of residence.
  • Physical constitution for a long-term stay abroad.
  • Long-term voluntary social or societal commitment in the country of residence.
  • Previous professional experience in the field of activity.
  • Planned or existing cooperation with an organisation in Germany.
  • German language skills.

DEADLINE: December 21 2018

To apply and for more information visit here


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