2021 Fellowships

The Penn Center for the Study of Ethnicity, Race and Immigration (CSERI) invites applications, starting October 12, 2020 for a one-year postdoctoral research fellowship in the social sciences (with a possible renewal for a second year).

CSERI is a center initiative supported by the University of Pennsylvania and the School of Arts and Sciences. In addition to this post-doctoral fellowship, CSERI hosts visiting scholars and graduate students, organizes workshops initiated by the Center’s Faculty Advisory Council and affiliates, and supports graduate and undergraduate student social science research at Penn.

The 2021-2022 CSERI Postdoctoral Research Fellow will help organize and participate in faculty/graduate student workshops, aid in the evaluation of the progress of graduate students and undergraduates receiving research grants, and collaborate with CSERI faculty affiliates on research projects. However, the Fellow will largely have the opportunity to pursue their own research and participate more generally in the intellectual life of the Penn community. There are no mandatory teaching responsibilities, but the post-doc is expected to be in residence.


  • The stipend for the postdoctoral fellowship is $53,000 plus relevant fees and individual health insurance.  The position also provides $2,500 in research support, with the opportunity to apply for additional funding.


  • Applications are welcome from scholars who have received their Ph.D. or equivalent degrees in the social sciences in the last two years (not earlier than 2019), or who expect to complete their degree by July 2021.
  • Skills with statistical analysis, qualitative software, GIS, experimental and other approaches are desirable, but not necessary.
  • Applications from women, minorities, and underrepresented communities are encouraged.

DEADLINE: December 21, 2020

To apply and more information visit here


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