The Fellowship program for people of African descent is a three-week intensive learning opportunity for people of African descent, from the diaspora, who are engaged in promoting the rights of people of African descent.


This program provides the participants with the opportunity to:

  • Learn about and deepen their understanding of the international human rights law and the UN human rights system, the international framework to combat racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, and intersecting issues with a focus on people of African descent;
  • Strengthen skills in developing project proposals, delivering presentations and submitting information to human rights mechanisms;


  • The candidate must be an individual of African descent living in the Diaspora.
  • The candidate must have a minimum of 4 years of work experience related to the rights of People of African Descent.
  • The program is bilingual in English and French. The candidate needs to have sufficient command of one of the two languages to be able to participate fully in the program.

DEADLINE: July 15, 2021

To apply and for more information visit here


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