YouthHubAfrica Opportunities

The Royal Museum for Central Africa (AfricaMuseum) has set up a residency programmeforAfricanjournalists. The aim is to strengthen the exchange and dissemination of information, knowledge and scientific research results in the service of sustainable development. Also, the purpose of the journalist residency is to compare views, opinions, testimonies and analyses on issues of colonial history and memory, representations and the status of African cultural heritage in Europe and Africa. This fourth edition is aimed at journalists based in Burundi and its diaspora.
The residency is financed by the Belgian Directorate-General for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid (DGD).


  • 4 weeks in October 2022 (subject to change)
  • Coverage of transportation/travel costs
  • Coverage of accommodation costs
  • Payment of allowances and per diem
  • The residency will be the subject of an agreement.
  • Expectations from the resident journalist
  • Production and dissemination of journalistic content related to AfricaMuseum
  • Redaction of a report at the end of the residence
  • The call for applications is open to professionals in Burundi and the Burundiandiaspora


  • Send the file no later than May 15 to
  • Documents to provide: CV, cover letter and description of the residency project.

DEADLINE: May 15, 2022

To apply and for more information visit here


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