The Dag Hammarskjöld Fund for Journalists accepts applications from career print, television, radio or internet journalists from the mainly developing nations of Africa, Asia (including Pacific Island nations), Latin America/the Caribbean to cover deliberations of the United Nations General Assembly for approximately 10-12 weeks beginning in September each year.


  • The Fund will arrange and pay for all travel expenses for the Fellowship Recipients. Travel arrangements cannot be made until you have obtained a valid journalist I-1 Visa.
  • The Fund will provide Fellowship recipients with furnished studio apartments near the United Nations.
  • The Fund assumes that you will continue to be paid as an employee of your media organization. However, to allow for increased personal expenses, a modest daily stipend will be paid to each journalist.


  • Career journalists, age 25-35, from mainly developing nation of Africa, Asia (including Pacific Island countries) and Latin America/the Caribbean are eligible to apply.  Freelance journalists are also eligible (see Freelance Requirements below).
  • Applicant journalists must have a current passport which will be required to apply for and obtain a I-1 journalist visa from a U.S. Embassy or Consulate in order to accept the Fellowship.
  • Work samples no earlier than 2022 must be provided.  (See Work Samples on Application Form)
  • Applicants must be employed by bona fide media organizations as print, television, radio or web journalists.
  • Speaking English with proficiency is required since it is one of the primary language used at the United Nations.
  • Journalists younger than 25 and older than 35 are not eligible to apply since the program is intended for mid-career journalists.
  • Students of journalism are not eligible to apply.
  • Journalists from European countries are not eligible to apply unless they are still reporting to audiences in their home country.

DEADLINE: March 30, 2025

To apply and for more information, apply here


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