2022 Fellowships

The Rest and Refuge Fellowship program is a joint project of Reporters Without Borders Germany and taz Panter Foundation. It has taken place annually since 2015.

Reporters Without Borders is an international human rights organization that promotes press freedom worldwide and helps persecuted journalists. The taz Panter Foundation is a non-governmental organization that organizes training for media professionals in Germany and other countries and is closely associated with the newspaper tageszeitung (taz).


  • They will reimburse travel expenses, provide an apartment in Berlin and travel health insurance, and pay a monthly stipend of €1,000. Participants can, if they wish, withdraw completely from public life and use the time in Berlin to work on their own projects. However, we also provide opportunities for further education, professional networking and resilience building. For example, all fellows are given the opportunity to take a language course and get to know German media outlets. 


  • For 2022, they are inviting two journalists from countries with restricted press freedom to Berlin. 
  • Several years of work experience as a journalist.
  • Personal threat due to journalistic work or difficult working conditions caused by external factors.
  • Good knowledge of the English or German language at a conversational level
  • A passport that is valid for at least another twelve months from the date of the application (or that can be independently extended/reapplied for)
  • A state of health that allows for longer trips and a six-month stay in the host country, as well as sufficient independence to master everyday challenges.
  • Willingness and possibility to return to the country of origin after the period of stay

DEADLINE: December 31 2021

To apply and for more information visit here


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