2020 Fellowships

The Royal Academy of Engineering Industrial Fellowships scheme enables mid-career academics and industrialists to undertake a collaborative research project in either an industrial or academic environment, where one party would host the other. The scheme aims to strengthen the strategic relationship between industry and academia by providing an opportunity to establish or enhance collaborative research between the two parties.  Awards can be held from six months to two years, full-time or part-time.


The Academy will contribute up to a maximum of £50,000 (per-annum) towards the basic salary costs (excluding overheads) of the applicant, paid pro-rata against the amount of time to be spent at the host organisation. The total award is capped at £100,000 for awards that exceed one year in duration.


  • Applicants can be of any nationality.
  • Applicants with both new and existing partnerships are eligible to apply.
  • SME and medium-sized industrial organisations are welcome to particularly apply.
  • Industrial Fellows can be hosted by an academic institution or an industrial organisation, and should be partnered with an industrial or academic partner accordingly. It is the responsibility of the applicant to make these arrangements. The application must clearly state the mutual benefit of the fellowship and the collaborative project to both organisations.
  • Applications are welcome from any engineering discipline.

DEADLINE: February 11 2020

To apply and for more information visit here


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