Fellowship 2019

The Fellowship is a 4-month program designed to immerse outstanding, early career, journalists in digital rights and digital inclusion advocacy – and intervention efforts – in Africa. Selected journalists will work with Paradigm Initiative on various projects and contribute to improving public understanding of digital rights and inclusion issues. In 2018, Nigeria’s Victor Ekwealor (Techpoint) and Togo’s Emmanuel Vitus (GhanaWeb) emerged as the pioneer fellows. In 2019, Paradigm Initiative plan to select three fellows.


Paradigm Initiative will provide fellows with a monthly stipend, and a one-time research grant, during the fellowship period.


  • The Fellowship is open to journalists affiliated with mainstream print and online newspapers in Africa
  • We are especially interested in women journalists
  • Interested candidates must demonstrate previous coverage of human rights and/or tech issues and interest in advocacy journalism
  • Interested candidates must not have spent more than ten years in journalism. We are most interested in outstanding, early career journalists

DEADLINE: May 6 2019

To apply and for more information visit here


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