The International Veterinary Vaccinology Network (IVVN) aims to promote vaccine research and development against livestock pathogens that cause diseases significant to low-and-middle income countries (LMICs). The remit of the IVVN includes all species that are of agricultural significance in LMICs including (but not limited to) poultry, aquaculture, ruminants and swine with an emphasis on molecular and cellular biology work relevant to vaccine development. Key aims of the IVVN are to bring together partners from academia, industry and other sectors, and to form partnerships between researchers based in the UK and LMICs.


The total amount of fellowship funding available is £100,000, and the IVVN expect to support 2-3 fellowships.


  • Funding is for female,
  • Individuals who will have obtained their PhD before the fellowship begins)
  • IVVN members who are from an LMIC country and working at a LMIC- based research organisation. A research organisation in this context will cover IVVN Members based at academic institutes, governmental organisations, non-governmental organisations or industry.

To apply and for more information visit here


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