According to the World Health Organization (WHO) more than 5 million people die each year as a result of injuries, accounting for 9 percent of deaths globally. This includes injuries from traffic crashes, acts of violence against oneself or others, burns, drowning, falls and poisonings, among other causes.

Safety 2018 is a milestone event in the field of injury prevention and safety promotion. Every two years, this world conference brings together over 1,000 of the world’s leading researchers, practitioners, policy makers and activists to discuss experiences and solutions that aim to reduce the burden of unintentional injuries. The 13th World Conference, under the theme “Advancing injury and violence prevention towards SDGs,” will be hosted by WHO and the Thai Government in Bangkok, from Nov. 5-7, 2018.


  • The 2018 Safety Reporting Fellowship program will cover all fellowship-related costs, including travel to the conference, accommodations and registration
  • Trainers also will work on strengthening the fellows’ reporting skills, with a particular focus on tracking down data from different sources, creating data-driven reports, and developing visualisations and graphics to engage audiences.


Applicants will be asked to provide the following:

  • An essay (no more than 500 words) detailing your motivation and goals for seeking the fellowship, including three specific changes you hope to make to your work as a result of the workshop;
  • At least one fleshed-out story idea (300 – 500 words) for an in-depth safety and injury-prevention reporting project that incorporates data. Applicants may focus on their own countries, and include ways to use digital tools and social media to engage audiences in a dialogue about these vital safety issues;
  • A commitment to produce at least three safety stories during and after the conference;
  • A letter of support from an editor or newsroom manager endorsing the journalist’s participation in the program to demonstrate understanding of the fellowship’s value and support for publishing, posting and/or broadcasting the journalist’s coverage of the conference and story project;
  • A brief biography (up to 300 words);
  • A resume or curriculum vitae;
  • Two samples of work focusing on safety or injury prevention published/posted/broadcast recently (after 2015).

To apply and for more information visit here


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