The AfOx Visiting Fellows Program is designed to enhance academic mobility and network building. The program supports African scholars and researchers working in any discipline to spend periods of flexible time in Oxford, for example as sabbatical leave for utilising library or other university facilities or undertaking or planning collaborative research with Oxford based colleagues.

The fellowships will be undertaken for 4 to 8 weeks between July and September 2019. Under certain circumstances, start dates outside this time period may be considered.

The Africa Oxford Initiative (AfOx) is a cross-university platform for academic and research collaborations between the University of Oxford and African researchers and institutions. The Initiative supports the work of universities and research institutions across Africa and facilitates the development of equitable and extensive collaborations between Oxford and African institutions.


  • The Fellows appointed will be provided with an en-suite, single occupancy study bedroom with all meals provided in the host College. A temporary University card for and temporary membership to the college Senior Common Room will be granted for the period of residency. The fellowship will also include airfare, visa fee and a maintenance allowance for incidental expenses.
  • AfOx will send supporting documents for visa application to successful applications, but it is the responsibility of the applicant to make a timely visa application and ensure that they meet all other requirements. They will not support express visa applications. The visa fee and related expenses will be reimbursed.


  • Visiting Fellows must be of postdoctoral or equivalent status at the time of application.
  • Applicants must be holding an appointment in an African academic or research institution at the time of application.

DEADLINE: January 25 2019

To apply and for more information visit here


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