The Student Summer Research Fellowship (ETH SSRF) Program offers undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to gain their first research experience in an area of their choice. The fellowship provided by the Computer Science Department of ETH takes place during two summer months and is open to all students worldwide. The department is committed to increasing diversity in the computer science area.


All applicants fulfilling the following conditions are eligible for the program:
– You can attend the entire fellowship period from July 1st to
August 31st. (Note that this time is fixed and cannot be changed)
– You are currently enrolled in a bachelor or master (or combined) program and your expected graduation date is earliest in spring the year after the fellowship.

You are eligible for the Student Summer Research Fellowship program if you satisfy the following:

  • You are enrolled in a study program (Bachelor or Master) in computer science or a closely related field (e.g., electrical engineering, mathematics, physics)
  • Your expected graduation date in your current study program (Bachelor or Master) is January 2021 or later.
  • You have 2 years of study completed by summer 2020 (Master students naturally satisfy this condition).
  • The duration of the fellowship is fixed to the full two months of July and August. You can be present during the entire time.


Before applying make sure you have prepared all required documents as PDF files (max 10MB per file).

1. First you need to register with SiROP
(press CTRL+click to open in new window)

To register search for your home university in the list provided or create an account using an email address. After your registration SiROP offers you to affiliate with your own institution. To create such an affiliation is NOT a required step if you want to apply.

2. After completing your SiROP registration follow this link:

Link to application

Application ends at 15 December 2019 at 12 noon (Central European Time).

3. Click the «Apply now» button at the top of the linked SiROP opportunity.

Only complete applications with all the required documents can be considered for admission.

DEADLINE: December 15 2019

To apply and for more information visit here


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