Social innovators are more than just their business plan. We’re looking for visionary leaders who are committed to upending structural oppression and creating change in their communities so that all people can thrive. We strongly encourage change-makers who identify as Black, Indigenous, and people of color to apply. Below are some criteria we use to evaluate your application.

  • Leadership Skills: You have the ability to drive ideas forward, build support for your vision, and lead an organization toward its goals.
  • Purpose Alignment: You can demonstrate a deep conviction and passion for the issue you are committed to addressing. You can also illustrate your dedication to solving the problem will not waiver even if your organization’s form shifts over time.
  • Relationship to and Expertise on the Issue: Social innovators who are closest to their communities possess the ideas and authenticity to affect the greatest change — your proximity is one of your most significant assets. You can showcase an understanding of root causes and your relationship with the community impacted by the issue you are addressing.


  • You must be over 18 years old, fluent in English, and able to commit full-time to your organization. If you are currently a full-time student or employee, you must agree to make your organization your full-time engagement if awarded a Fellowship.
  • You must be the primary decision-maker and have ultimate authority over the growth and strategic vision of your organization.
  • You do not need to be based in the United States or be an American citizen. Echoing Green does not sponsor American work permits for any foreign nationals.
  • You are welcome to reapply in future cycles if you do not receive a fellowship.
  • The organization must be the original idea of the applicant, in its start-up phase, and independent and autonomous.
  • An organization can be structured as a nonprofit, for-profit, or hybrid.
  • An organization does not only have to be run by one individual, but only a single applicant is eligible to apply for an Echoing Green fellowship starting in 2021.
  • Organizations still in the idea phase are eligible. You do not need to establish 501(c)(3) status or register your organization before you apply.
  • The organization must be independent and autonomous. It cannot be under the management of another organization. If you have a fiscal sponsor that provides support but does not control organization decisions, you are eligible.
  • No members of an organization’s founding team and no individuals in a leadership position at the organization can already have been awarded an Echoing Green Fellowship.
  • Tuition or scholarship funding, or research projects; lobbying or faith-based organizations; and existing organizations that have grown past their start-up phase are not eligible to apply.

DEADLINE: April 20, 2021

To apply and for more information visit here


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