Chatham House Richard and Susan Hayden Academy Fellowship

This is a ten-month fellowship opportunity for candidates in the early to mid-stages of their careers to work on an individual research project of their choice at Chatham House. As fellows, you will participate in the Institute’s core activities, build your leadership skills, and build your professional network in the field of international affairs. Chatham House hosts Academy Fellows between October 2022 and July 2023 for ten months.  The fellow will be based full-time at Chatham House in London. However, working patterns will be flexible and some aspects of the program may be held online, in line with safe Covid-19 working practices.


  • The fellow will receive a monthly stipend of £2,365.
  • Additionally, the Academy will cover costs related to relocation, visas and payment of the UK’s Immigration Healthcare Surcharge which allows access to the UK National Health Service (Note: you may be required to pay for dental and optical treatments and medicines prescribed by a doctor), fieldwork and travel, research activities, and possible publication.


  • Open to candidates from around the world and who are at the mid-stage of their career working in academia, NGOs, business, government departments, civil society or the media.
  • Applicants must hold a completed BA degree or equivalent and have experience with conducting research.
  • The ideal candidate should be at the early-to-mid-stage of their career and come from one of the following fields or work: academia, NGO, business, government departments, civil society or the media. All applicants should possess knowledge of, and an interest in, international affairs, their chosen area of research, and Chatham House’s mission and research.
  • There are no age restrictions for applicants.
  • Fellows are expected to work full-time towards their fellowship and therefore it is not possible to undertake a fellowship at the same time as pursuing work or studies.

DEADLINE: April 25 2022

To apply and for more information visit here





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