Presenting at the Global Youth Economic Opportunities Summit enhances participants’ ability to gain visibility, highlight their expertise, expand their network, and deepen their own learning through audience exchange and collaboration. This overview provides important details on the process to be considered as a presenter.


  • The Summit is organized on a not-for-profit basis. Presenters are asked to “co-invest” in this event and pay a discounted speaker registration fee of USD $895. This amount represents approximately half of the real cost of participating. Summit organizers raise funds throughout the year to subsidize the cost to participants.

2016 Summit Theme: “Turning Points: How Do We Achieve Results & Scale in the Next Decade?”

Over the next decade, a billion young people will enter the job market. Advancing youth economic inclusion, impact and scale is therefore a global priority. How the international development community meets this challenge will be informed by critical demographic, economic and political shifts, coupled with technological innovations that change the way we learn, communicate and work:

  • Today, nearly half of all youth in developing nations are not engaged in work or study. How   do we reach,          and create pathways, for young people         at the margins?
  • The global economy must create  600 million jobs over the next 10         years  – five million jobs each mont  to
  • Match projected youth employment rates. How will we bridge the gap between the          demand for jobs, and job creation?
  • The world of work is changing.  What  does it mean         for young people?
  • How do cross-cutting issues of gender, technology, and conflict impact youth economic opportunities today, and in the next ten years?

Key Dates

February 16: Call for proposals and registration opens

March 25: Deadline to submit proposals

March 25-April 17: Global Advisory Committee reviews and selects proposals. You may receive clarification questions during this review process. We appreciate your prompt response.

April 25: Acceptances shared with those who submit

May 2: Summit Agenda is posted online and promoted globally

May 27: Deadline for presenters to register for the 2016 Summit

August: Participate in a session prep call with co-presenters and a Summit staff member

September 28-30: 10th annual Global Youth Economic Opportunities Summit

To apply and for more information visit here



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