The 2016 Language for Humanitarian Development and Diplomacy Certificate Program (LAHD) is organized by Better Nigeria Initiative (BNI) in partnership with West Africa Youth Exchange Council (WAYEC) and endorsed by the Commonwealth Youth Council (CYC).

 LAHD is a seven-week intensive practical hands-on language training program that aims to prepare young people for humanitarian engagements in development and diplomatic practices.

The 2016 LAHD Spring Session shall focus on French Language and it use for Humanitarian Development and Diplomacy. French and English Language are the major diplomatic languages used in most Africa countries.

Aside the language training content, LAHD aims at facilitating effective partnership in response to the needs of vulnerable people, by enhancing effective communication among young people during the course of their engagements in humanitarian fields and postings in Francophone countries.

The training shall equip participants on the use of French language for advocacy, negotiations, formal agreements, project design, monitoring and evaluations, and other humanitarian services.


  • Registration fee: $15
  • Learning/Resource materials: $15
  • LAHD Humanitarian Field trip to Lome, Togo (Optional): $220


  • Students, student leaders, youths, youth leaders, civil servants, social entrepreneurs, representative of Non-governmental organizations and other actors in humanitarian and development practice.

Deadline: February 29, 2016

To apply and for more information visit here


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