The World Press Institute is accepting applications for WPI fellowship program. Applications are welcome from all the journalists from any country. Democracy is the primary focus of the WPI fellowship program. The fellowship program contains three weeks training in Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota including travel trip to several cities in U.S for inteviews and visits. WPI fellowship program includes overall program costs, transportation allowances, lodging costs, and a modest daily per diem for food. 10 journalists will be selected under WPI fellowship program.

The World Press Institute is a private non-profit organization supported by foundations, local and national media, and individuals from all over the world.


  • Applicant must be fluent in writing and speaking English.
  • Applicant must contain leadership quality.
  • Applicant must be employed as a non U.S. journalist who is working outside of the United States.
  • Applicant must have at least 5 years experience as a full-time employee in broadcast, journalism, or print.

DEADLINE: 15th February, 2015

To apply and for more information visit here


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  1. iam jornalist of jornal Diario de Mocambique, i subscrit me in this concurs becouse i need explore mi development inteligence for midia, and i like this job, is veri good for education on mi country

  2. Gil Borges Namelo 10 years ago

    É uma bela oportunidade, e desejo concorrer para as bolsas.
    Estou na Província da Zambézia, Cidade de Quelimane – Moçambique.

  3. Calisto Constantino Aurelio 10 years ago

    Sou Jornalista em Exercício na Radio Comunitaria de Mossuril, Nampula, Mocambique, desde 2009, pre-fazendo ate entao, 5 anos de experiencia.
    Gostaria de participar nesta Capacitacao de modo a melhorar as minhas habilidades no ramo jornalistico.
    Habilitacoes literaraias 12a Classe do ensino geral


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