Empowering the Teachers is a teaching fellowship that enables outstanding young Nigerian and Ugandan faculty in science and engineering to collaborate with faculty at MIT in developing new curriculum and teaching methods.

The program is offered by MISTI together with its corporate partner Total. The director of the program is Professor Akintunde Ibitayo Akinwande, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT.


Empowering the Teachers will select up to twelve outstanding young faculty fellows from the disciplines of electrical engineering, computer science, computer engineering and mechanical engineering in Nigerian or Ugandan universities to spend a semester at MIT in 2014. Selected fellows will observe instruction in their disciplines and work as a group to prepare innovative curricula and approaches to teaching that can be introduced into their home universities on their return.

During their stay at MIT, the faculty will participate regularly in at least two MIT subjects (including lectures, recitations and tutorials) that correspond to courses the faculty members teach at their home universities. They will attend weekly Empowering the Teachers Fellows Seminar meetings on curriculum development and meet with professors and teaching assistants. Beyond the fellowship semester at MIT, Empowering the Teachers will support online communications, periodic reunions and meetings in Nigeria and Uganda in order to build over time a community of faculty devoted to excellence and innovation in science and engineering education.

The Empowering the Teachers program covers travel, living and instructional materials expenses of the participants. The home universities of the successful applicants will commit to provide paid leaves of absence during the period of the MIT program.


To be eligible for consideration for selection, a faculty member must hold a PhD and teach in a department corresponding to Electrical Engineering and Computer Science or Mechanical Engineering at a university in Nigeria or Uganda. Only candidates at the level of Lecturer One will be considered.

Application and selection

To apply, please send as attachments in ONE email to misti-africa@mit.edu:

a) the completed program application form and

b) a copy of your current curriculum vitae (please include which coding languages you know how to use)

You will also need to submit your:

c) Empowering the Teachers Fellowship 2013-2014 Profile via Google Docs: http://tinyurl.com/oyvrcf2

The deadline for applications is Monday, August 5, 2013.

Download the application form here

For more information, click here

An MIT committee will establish a list of top candidates. Candidates from Nigeria will be interviewed in Abuja by MIT faculty during August 19-23, 2013. Candidates from Uganda will be interviewed in Kampala in August, 2013.


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