Japanese Association of University Women (JAUW) is now calling for Applications for its 2017 International Fellowships

This program is to offer core funding to financially help you come and stay in Japan when you have found that it is preferable or very important for you to stay in japan to pursue your ongoing study/research.


  • Up to two fellowships will be awarded under this program
  • The amount of grants will range from Yen700,000 to Yen1,000,000 per grantee. The duration of your stay in japan and various other factors will be taken into consideration in deciding the total amount of grant.
  • This grants is 5 to 6 months between September 2017 and march 2018, depending on your proposal.


In order to apply:

  • You are a woman of any nationality but other than Japanese, living outside Japan at the time of application
  • You have received a master’s degree or its equivalent, and presently work outside academia, or you are a student/researcher higher than MA/ its equivalent level (typically of pre-doctoral or dissertation level). Postdoctoral researchers may apply but they may be placed lower in priority
  • You have to explain in your proposal why you have to come to stay in Japan to pursue your ongoing study or research.
  • You have to state clearly in your proposal how and in what aspect you will contribute to your home country through your study/research in Japan

DEADLINE: March 31 2017

To apply and for more information visit here


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