The Young Innovators Competition seeks to foster innovative ideas amongst the next generation of social entrepreneurs working to change the world through technology. It is open to any young person between the ages of 18 and 26 with an original solution to one of our six Global Challenges.

How to apply

It’s easy to apply. Just fill in the application form and send it with “2013 Young Innovators Competition” in the subject line. Remember, your submission must address one of our six Global Challenges:

  • Improve employment opportunities for young people and migrant workers

    High rates of youth unemployment are becoming a social emergency. Many young people seek better opportunities abroad, but migrant works are often vulnerable to fraud, inadequate social protection, difficulties in transferring funds or finding work upon their return. How can ICTs be used to improve youth employment prospects and empower and protect young migrant workers?

  • Reduce food and water wastage at individual and retail level

    Almost a third of all food produced in the world is lost or wasted in current systems of food production and consumption. This is often due to retailers or individuals discarding food that is fit for consumption, despite expiration date management or improved production processes. How can we use ICTs to reduce the amount of food wasted?

  • Facilitate access to public services for the elderly

    Senior people utilize online services at a lower extent than other groups of population. The main reasons for this lower adoption rate are: i) the perception that these services are too complex to use, ii) concerns and fears about data security and privacy, iii) online transaction are thought to be more costly than “real-world” ones. Find innovative ICT based ways to enhance the access to and the delivery of public services for the elderly. Solutions must address elderly people’s concerns about using these services, as well as improve their efficiency and decrease their cost of provision, allow greater political participation, enhance governments’ transparency and accountability.

  • Improve natural disaster prediction and response

    Predicting natural disasters before they strike is vital to ensure correct preparations and an adequate response. First responders, those arriving first at the scene of disaster, often rely on outdated and inefficient radio equipment to communicate. How can we use connected technologies to improve current prediction systems and create user-friendly communication systems for first responders?

  • Improve road safety for both drivers and pedestrians

    Around 1.3 million people die each year on the world’s roads and millions sustain non-fatal injuries, particularly young people. Technology has focused on innovation within the automotive sector – it now needs to drive the road safety debate. How can we use technology to make the roads safer for both drivers and pedestrians?

  • Protect sensitive personal data and inspire the creation of local digital content

    We have created vast amounts of digital content, including cultural, educational, scientific and administrative resources, as well as technical, legal, and medical information. It is all vulnerable to loss or misuse, and must be preserved and protected. Creating digital content drives the economy, but digital devices unequipped for local content (especially in non-Latin scripts) are holding back local development and infrastructure. How can we use technology to safeguard existing personal data and other forms of digital content without compromising on its availability? How can ICTs inspire the creation of local digital content and bridge the content divide between cultures?


    The ten finalists selected by a committee of experts will win:

    • Up to USD 10,000 in seed money to implement and bring to scale winning start-ups; up to 5,000 USD for winning concepts
    • An invitation to attend ITU Telecom World 2013 in Bangkok
    • Mentoring from high-level industry representatives both in Bangkok and for the following year
    • Hands-on workshop training in entrepreneurial skills
    • Opportunities to meet and network with leading ICT players
    • Showcasing platform at our dedicated pavilion on the showfloor

    Deadline for applications: June 30th, 2013 at 24:00 GMT+1

Download the application form here

For more information, click here


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