The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade has supported the Irish Aid Fellowship Training Programme (IAFTP) in Uganda for almost 20 years.

The main priority areas for support under this programme are education, HIV/AIDS, governance, gender, vulnerability & social protection issues, trade & economic opportunities and support to Civil Society Organisations.

Fellowships are targeted at mid-career professionals who on completion of the programme are committed to returning home to resume work and put their acquired skills into practice for the benefit of the organisation and the wider community.  Only candidates nominated by an Irish Aid partner organisation invited to participate in the scheme are eligible to apply. The average age of successful candidates is 35 years.


To be eligible for the IAFTP, applicants must:

  • be a citizen of Uganda.
  • be currently employed by an Irish Aid partner organisation and nominated by that organisation to apply.
  • have achieved the necessary academic standard to be accepted onto a postgraduate diploma or masters course in an institute of higher education in Ireland or within their own region.
  • have a minimum of three years relevant employment experience. Candidates with less than the three years relevant employment experience will not be considered for a fellowship.
  • be able to demonstrate a strong commitment to the development of their home country.
  • have identified relevant college courses in an institute of higher education in Ireland or within their own region.
  • be applying to commence a new qualification and not be seeking funding for a course they have already commenced or which will begin before fellowship awards have been notified.
  • be able to take up the fellowship in the academic year applied for.
  • provide a letter from their employer granting study leave for the duration of the fellowship and guaranteeing that they will be able to return to an equivalent position in the organisation at the end of the fellowship period.

For more information, click here.


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