The Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP) is pleased to announce its second annual Cora Weiss Fellowship for Young Women Peacebuilders. Launched in 2015, the Fellowship aims to support the development of young women peacebuilders and ensure that more young people share Cora’s vision for sustainable peace and gender equality as strong and integral parts of our global culture.


  • The successful applicant will have the opportunity to work with GNWP for one year on its global advocacy in the UN to promote the implementation of the UN Security Council Resolutions (UNSCR) 1325 and 1820 on Women, Peace and Security, and related laws and policies.
  • In addition, the applicant will also have the opportunity to participate in GNWP’s national and local initiatives such as the Localization of UNSCR 1325 and 1820, and Girl Ambassadors for Peace.


Applicant must:

  • At least have one year experience of volunteering or employment in a women’s rights/human rights/peace advocacy organization;
  • Have one year experience in policy advocacy on women’s rights, human rights, peace and other social justice issues, including understanding of the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security, and related laws and policies;
  • Have a Bachelor’s degree in international relations, women/gender studies or the social sciences; and
  • Have lived or worked in a developing country for at least one year.

DEADLINE: November 1 2016

To apply and for more information visit here


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